2024 Director Leadership Conference
November 19-21, 2024 Loews Coronado Bay San Diego, CA

Session Description

Washington Update

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

1:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Political risk is rising for Farm Credit as Congress begins taking action on the results of the 2023 Farm Bill, various federal spending bills, proposals to combat climate change and a wide range of social justice initiatives. At the same time, new leadership at FCA is reshaping the regulatory environment for Farm Credit institutions. Learn about all the issues emanating from Washington that could impact Farm Credit and strategies to best position Farm Credit institutions to cope with the coming changes. The session will focus on the current political environment in Washington, specific legislative and regulatory proposals that could impact Farm Credit and its customers, and strategies Farm Credit is pursuing to defend its interests.

Learner Outcomes:

  1. Understand the political environment in Washington and how that impacts Farm Credit and its customers.
  2. Learn the latest developments in the Congressional Farm Bill debate and how that might impact Farm Credit and its customers.
  3. Better understand the current regulatory environment and its impact on Farm Credit operations.

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