2024 Director Leadership Conference
November 19-21, 2024 Loews Coronado Bay San Diego, CA


Leslie Hilton

VP Governance



Benefits & Best Practices in Board Evaluations


Leslie Hilton is Vice President of Board Governance & Education for FCCS, where she provides consulting, training and coaching for boards and directors seeking to accelerate their effectiveness in leadership and governance.

Leslie works with CEOs and senior management, board members, and directors in board leadership roles to support leadership growth and mission achievement for their boards and their organizations. She leads the Board Governance practice that offers forward-thinking services with a deep expertise in cooperative governance and extensive experience with Farm Credit and agricultural cooperative boards.

Leslie practiced corporate law before moving into business and leadership development, where she has practiced for over 20 years. She has worked with CEOs and senior executives across industries and functions, domestic and international, to support their leadership effectiveness. Leslie has provided consulting, training, and coaching for Farm Credit and agricultural cooperatives of all sizes across North America. She oversees the popular Premier Governance Series and Advanced Governance Series director training and certification programs, and is passionate about supporting cooperative directors and boards to add significant value to their organizations.

Leslie earned a bachelor’s degree, with distinction, in sociology and a juris doctor degree in law from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and a master’s degree in management from the University of Oxford and HEC Paris.


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