RISK 360 Conference
August 27-29, 2024 Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport Boston, MA

Session Descriptions

What's Your Ace of Spades?

Thursday, August 29, 2024

11 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Eric's presentation is centered around the discovery and development of Empathy Based Listening (EBL) while serving as an interrogator on a Delta Force team in 2003 to track down Saddam Hussein. EBL is a communication process to build the highest level of trust in all key relationships. I laid out the steps of the EBL process to include removing our six categories of listening distractions. I teach the audience what to listen for and the keywords, terms, and phrases (breadcrumbs) that matter most in communications. I also teach the audience how to respond in conversations to ensure they are discovering what matters most to the clients and colleagues. The key takeaways are awareness, training, and rules of EBL to immediately impact their ability to build the highest level of trust in all meaningful relationships

Learner Outcomes:

1. Learn the elements of Empathy Based Listening.

2. Understand how to respond in conversations to discover what matters most to clients and colleagues.

3. Gain awareness of the rules of Empathy Based Listening.


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