
Bill Oemichen

Bill Oemichen has served as Outside Director of the FCCS Board since 2006, and currently chairs the FCCS Audit Committee. He is also a current member of the AgCountry Farm Credit Services Board where he chairs the Risk Committee. Oemichen is a former member of the United FCS, GreenStone FCS and Farm Credit Services of Northeast Wisconsin Board of Directors where he served as chair of the Audit committees and as the board designated financial expert.

Oemichen is Professor of Practice - Law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with appointments in both Extension and Law School. Oemichen previously served as a senior researcher in food systems security at U.W.-Madison and is currently writing his PhD Dissertation at the University of Saskatchewan on the increasing risk posed to U.S. food systems by foreign ownership of agricultural inputs, processing and farmland.

Oemichen is a partner in the Calgary-based law firm of Oemichen and Bridgewater LLP where he is Barrister and Solicitor, and practices law in both the U.S. and Canada. He previously practiced business, cooperative and accountant malpractice law at two major law firms headquartered in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Oemichen is the chair of the board of trustees for Wisconsin's $8 billion IRS Section 529 College Savings Program, is President of the New Glarus Area School District Board, is a member of the Slipstream (energy efficiency research) board of directors, is board treasurer for Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin where he chairs both the Finance and Audit committees, and is a Fellow with the Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives.

Oemichen is former Director of the Office of Preparedness & Emergency Health Care at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin's former chief Consumer Protection official; former Minnesota Deputy Agriculture Commissioner, and former President & CEO of Cooperative Network, the largest all-cooperative trade association in the United States.

Oemichen and his wife Mary Anne live in New Glarus, Wisconsin.

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