Beth Oliphant

Beth Oliphant

Contact Beth

Beth Oliphant is the Talent Assessment Manager for FCCS, where she supports cooperatives’ recruitment efforts for entry-level through management-level positions, including:

  • SelectionLink human resource staff training
  • SelectionLink behavior-based interviews
  • Predictive Index assessments
  • DiSC training for individuals and teams
Beth Oliphant

Beth Oliphant

Contact Beth

Beth Oliphant has supported cooperatives for more than three decades, starting with the Farm Credit Bank of Wichita and joining FCCS in 2008, where she assists hiring managers with their talent selection and assessment needs.

Beth is a master trainer on SelectionLink Interviews, training human resource professionals on the custom designed behavior-based interviews. She led an in-depth validation process to redesign the interview suite and works closely with SelectionLink to keep the interviews relevant and up to date. She also conducts hundreds of the SelectionLink interviews each year for entry-level through managerial level candidates.

Beth is a certified Predictive Index practitioner and utilizes this assessment tool alongside the SelectionLink interviews to assist hiring managers with objective measurements to align with their interview processes. She earned the Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitator certification and works with individuals and teams to help clients build understanding of their individual DiSC style and to build team cohesiveness.

Beth Oliphant

Beth Oliphant

Contact Beth

“The training group all loved you! Not only did they score you high, but several commented on how wonderful and informative your presentation was. We may have to have you back next year!” Chief Human Resources Officer, Farm Credit of Western Arkansas

“[The new employee DiSC reviews] went well and we certainly appreciate the insight you provide through the hiring process as well as through your conversations with them in regard to the DiSC assessments.” HR Generalist, AgTexas Farm Credit Services

“I have wanted to do something like this with the team for some time. [The Predictive Index assessment] was informative and helpful and there were many great takeaways. We will definitely use this as a tool for our own team and will be talking about ways we might be able to use this throughout the organization, as well.” President and CEO, The Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri

Beth Oliphant

Beth Oliphant

Phone: 316.733.4431

Email: [email protected]

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