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Major Initiatives Launched at 2020 Virtual Inspire Summit

FCCS unveiled a host of strategic initiatives at its October 30 Virtual Inspire Summit, an event designed to energize and inform the more than 200 participants from Farm Credit, agricultural cooperatives, vendors and partners who learned about:

The Summit offered highly interactive general sessions along with breakout sessions diving into a variety of relevant topics including individual values, leadership lessons from Gettysburg, developing a world record-setting mindset, and more. The final general session featured a improvisational comedy performance with the CSZ troupe that tweaked COVID while highlighting communication skills, followed by small-group breakout sessions that enabled more interaction and concluded by reinforcing through humor that none of us are perfect, and as we tend not to judge others too harshly for not being perfect, we should give ourselves that same grace.

Careful planning and thoughtful content development, along with full use of webinar tools, created a welcome program. One participant said,

“It was one of the best virtual conferences I’ve participated in this year. It was fun, engaging and ran seamlessly.”

And with Zoom fatigue rampant, we were gratified to hear from another,

“This has by far been my favorite virtual conference this year. You grabbed my attention and kept it...I got done with the conference and was telling everyone in my office about it.”

Inspire was enhanced further with the donation by FCCS of sufficient funds to Feeding America for 250,000 meals, equivalent to 100 meals for each registered attendee.

For more information about upcoming FCCS events, visit

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