
Human-Centered Leadership

Human-centered leadership is the antidote to low employee morale, high turnover rates, weak team dynamics, and negative organizational culture. On this episode of The Forward Thinking Podcast, FCCS SVP of Marketing and Communications Stephanie Barton sits down with Karin Hurt, Founder and CEO of Let's Grow Leaders and instructor in the Leading Leaders, FCCS Leadership Journey program for a conversation about the four dimensions of collaboration that create connection and clarity in human-centered leadership. She highlights what it means to be on a dream team, strategies for leading a team that you didn’t hand-pick, and the importance of crafting daily habits that keep a team moving forward together.

“Be the leader you want your boss to be.” — Karin Hurt 

Insights Include:

  • Dream (and nightmare) leadership teams
  • The four dimensions of collaboration
  • The importance of daily habits
  • Successful team-building activities
  • Advice for leaders who didn’t pick their team

Read the full show notes.

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