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New Partner Announcement: Passageways

Passageways is a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider with a laser focus on elevating the performance of boards. Passageways offers a leading board portal solution called OnBoard, a board meeting solution that securely connects organizations, their directors and committees to meeting agendas, minutes, approvals, calendars, policies and procedures. For more than 15 years, Passageways has worked with companies every day to create solutions that solve their challenges. Already, Passageways serves the boards of seven Farm Credit entities.

Intuitive and accessible for directors of all technology levels, OnBoard makes meetings more than operational presentations, it turns them into strategic working sessions. With OnBoard, meetings become more productive, board book access becomes amazingly intuitive, archives are readily accessible and voting is simple. The result is a board of directors that has more time to devote to thoughtful deliberations.

For administrators, OnBoard makes building board books intuitive and efficient. Upload any file type instantly and seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Office. As multiple people collaborate, the board book comes together and updates in real-time, so you never lose your work. These features, among many more, coupled with industry-leading, 24/7 customer support from Passageways’ U.S. headquarters, guarantees your success.

Passageways is excited to be the newest partner in the Passkey Program and will be coming soon to the Passkey site. When vetting various board portal providers for FCC Services, Senior Consultant Sarah Spivey said, “I found Passageways’ OnBoard easy to use and the best bang for your buck when it came down to pricing. It also works on all devices like computers, phones and in the cloud, plus it has various tools that boards will find helpful. When looking at all the various board management providers and comparing them, OnBoard stood out as the top choice for the Farm Credit System.”

As for feedback on OnBoard from a Farm Credit member and current OnBoard user, Jimmy Chambers of Central Texas Farm Credit said, “We had struggled for years trying to find a secure, efficient way to disseminate board packets. Then we discovered OnBoard, an affordable way to securely share information with our board members. We love the ability to update the packets as new information becomes available rather than waiting to publish until all information is in hand. OnBoard has made the process of delivering information to our board members much easier, safer and dynamic.”

You are invited to view a “Deep Dive Demo” by clicking here. Want to experience OnBoard through a free trial or simply learn more about it? Click here.
For more information about Passageways or OnBoard, visit

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